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Wednesday, May 4, 2011


I always impressed how UMNO, position it's self as one of the most successful moderate party that helm Malaysia for a decade.

Amazingly. UMNO did not practice double standard such as folowings:

  1. People that is working for the government as well a strong supporter to Opposition is allowed still to be in office and continue to serve. They even openly paste opposition Brand logo in front of their offices.
  2. Being in UMNO does not secure you Jobs, i knew one Divisional UMNO Youth committee members, which also a friend of mine, return to working in factory to survive. That show UMNO did not secure Jobs even to their strong supporter. But serving the party is their utmost importance. Well i also seen similar people which work harder in UMNO turn to get more opportunity, of course for their hard work. owns Canteen, Bookshops and in return able to purchase estates and immensely imporve their lifestyle.
  3. UMNO did not mingle in public service offices, or we can say even the government officer did not really care if UMNO leaders recommend with letters or others.I knew one top public service officers which also a family members of mine. Told me in 32 years of his service he never comes to a situation where he was pressured to make decision favoring UMNO, in fact he told me that there are attempts but they were not obliged to accept it.
  4. UMNO management has shown that UMNO allows other races to surpass UMNO Malay in economic activity. Most properties in strategic areas are not belongs to Malay, Most building in KL is not belongs to Malay. Malay is not the the riches person in Malaysia. Even in the top 10, numbers of Malays is very few, only 3 if i am not mistaken.
  5. UMNO treat people well, the entire machinery, system was design to help people.Helping the poor with cash contribution. Not all citizen is rich, there are people not able to sent their kids to University. Having trouble to catchup with year end spending to ensure their kids go to school. I seen infront of my eyes people come to Divisional Offices to ask for help. Education, Health care, Personal problem, Marriage, Kenduri UMNO is always there to help people.
As a citizen i acknowledge that UMNO is moderate Political party. Of course there is so much more that UMNO could have done to improve Malaysia.

BUT!....Evolution is better than revolution, we are still in a journey with no destinations. May we found victory success to be achieved and celebrated along this amazing journey. May Allah bless Malaysia with good leaders.